Debt Action Plan

This video dives into more detail on the Debt Action Plan system that helps market the infinite banking concept of debt elimination and wealth building using participating whole life insurance.

Runtime: 19 mins 24 seconds

  • Learn how to enter in you client's data into the DAP scenario.
  • Learn how to custmize the payout strategy and customize your report.
  • Learn how to use the comparison tab to visually show the difference between your cliet's current strategy and the Debt Action Plan.

My New Retirement Training

This video dives into more detail on the My New Retirement Analyzer system that compares a hypothetical qualified retirement strategy to an Indexed Universal Life policy.

Runtime; 24 mins

  • Learn how to properly save your illustration for uploading to the system.
  • Learn how to present the IUL strategy using Analyzer.
  • Learn how to use each of the sales tools included with Analyzer: the Indexing, Fees & Taxes calculators and resources.
  • Learn the various options available for the comparison including the lifetime income toggle, the non-qualified plan toggle, the equalize distributions toggle and the early withdrawal penalty toggle.
  • Learn how to use the inputs to show in real time how the affect both strategies.

Interactive Reports

This video showcases the Interaactive Reports add-on.

Runtime: 6 mins 15 seconds

Pro Branding

This video showcases the Interaactive Reports add-on.

Runtime: 6 mins 11 seconds